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Private cooking classes get to choose the menu from any class we offer!


Recommended Menus (our biggest crowd pleasers!):


Dinner in Rome (Top 5 Most Popular)

Dinner in the Caribbean

Dinner in the Southwest

Dinner in Tuscany

Dinner on Bourbon Street

Dinner on the Bayou (Top 5 Most Popular)

Fall Harvest Dinner Party

Italian Dinner Party (Top 5 Most Popular)

Southern Dinner Party (Top 5 Most Popular)

Sushi Rolling Party

Tex Mex Favorites

This Is How We Roll - Sushi!

Three Course Dinner - Chicken Wellington 

Three Course Dinner - Perfect Roasted Chicken 

Three Course Dinner - Short Ribs (Top 5 Most Popular)

Well Done Favorites


Premium Menus (These options are so wonderful that they incur an additional fee per person due to premium ingredients. Cost varies per menu. It's possible to substitute ingredients for a lower price with some of these menus):

Celeste's Favorites

Death by Chocolate

Dinner in New Orleans

Dinner in New York

Dinner in Provence

Italian Steak House

Steak House Classics

Three Course Dinner - Rack of Lamb

Three Course Dinner - Scallops

Three Course Dinner - Steak

You Don't Eat Meat? That's Okay, I Make Lamb


Vegetarian-Friendly Menus (either have no meat or meat is easily left out or substituted, depending on menu):

An Evening in Thailand

Cooking Techniques - Vegetables Herbs & Spices 

Dinner in Provence (premium menu)

Dinner in Rome

Italian Dinner Party 


Pork-Free Friendly Menus (either have no pork or pork is easily left out or substituted, depending on menu): 

An Evening in Thailand

Cooking Techniques - Vegetables Herbs & Spices 

Dinner in Provence

Dinner in Rome

Dinner in the Caribbean

Italian Dinner Party

Three Course Dinner - Perfect Roasted Chicken 

Three Course Dinner - Rack of Lamb (premium menu)

Three Course Dinner - Steak (premium menu)


Gluten-Free Friendly Menus (either have no gluten or gluten is easily left out or substituted, depending on menu):

Cooking Techniques - Vegetables Herbs & Spices 

Dinner in the Caribbean

Three Course Dinner - Perfect Roasted Chicken 

Three Course Dinner - Scallops (premium menu)

Three Course Dinner - Steak (premium menu)


Other Available Menus:

An Afternoon in a Parisian Bistro

Dinner in Bombay (Indian)

Dinner in Casablanca (Morocccan)

Dinner in España (Spain)

Dinner in Greece

Food Men Love!

Holy Crepe!

More Food Men Love!



(This is not our full list of available classes, but these are the best for a private class that focuses on team building and socialization. Also, if there is a menu you love but one of the recipes doesn't appeal to you, you are able to substitute a different recipe upon approval. We have to first check with our instructors to make sure the new recipe can fit in the class timewise and if it will effect the cost per person. We can also do custom menus, but we strongly recommend going with an existing menu. These classes have been tested and perfected, maximizing time and assuring a great experience.)